Social Science Files

The science of society, the evolution of society, and the governance of society.

Who am I?

Dr Michael G. Heller is a former academic now independent scholar who has lived and worked in 7 divers societies. His home bases are Australia and the UK. On Substack he explores societies comparatively, historically, and futuristically, crossing the disciplines of sociology, economics, politics, anthropology, archeology, geography, psychology, and law. Slowly but surely he is preparing a History & Theory of Society.

What am I doing?

Mainly I exhibit writings by experts on topics I am researching. There are about 400 such exhibits in The Archive. Sometimes I write short essays based on my findings.

I study 10 society ‘Types’

  1. person over person (individual differentiation)

  2. group over person (task differentiation)

  3. person over group (power differentiation)

  4. centre over society (administrative…)

  5. group over society (participatory…)

  6. centre over periphery (externalised…)

  7. rank over status (complex differentiation)

  8. system over system (functional…)

  9. state over society (elite differentiation)

  10. mechanism over individual (AI-coded…)

More details here:

Note for new readers:

My occasional Social Science Files essays are bona fide ‘copyright publications’. Because they are opened and read by a large number of leading scholars in relevant fields — some of whom send me critical and constructive comments at — they are also ‘peer reviewed publications’.

Contact me:

It is nice to receive encouragement. One of our Social Science Files subscribers, a law professor at Harvard University, emailed me in Aug 2023:

“What you are writing is absolutely fascinating. My only wish is that I had more time to delve into the supporting material. But the high level picture that you are providing to people who do not have that kind of time at this juncture in their lives could not be better.”

‘The Heller Files’, quality tools for Social Science since February 2022.

Social Science Files displays multidisciplinary writings on a variety of topics relating to evolutions of social order from the earliest humans to the present day and future machine age.

Subscribe to Social Science Files

The science of society, the evolution of society, and the governance of society.


PhD Political Science, Sussex; Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC); Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU). Author of ‘Capitalism, Institutions, and Economic Development’.